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Showing posts from July, 2019
Children and Science Science is the subject that generates a natural love for learning, in children. Much of science is hands-on and children conceive science in a different way when compared to adults. Knowing how kids think matters. While taking a class on a specific matter, all students may not think the same way as the tutor. A child’s imagination might wander far away from what the tutor desires to convey. We can never blame a student for having a vast imagination; remember it was not long ago that people believed that the world was flat and that the universe revolved around the Earth. Science is the subject that helps a student in understanding the world around him. It has answers to the mysteries of this universe and a logical explanation for everything. Understanding science helps a student understand reality and be rational. Being creative and open minded, helps students in thinking profoundly. Science is the subject that has room for innovation. With the help of s...

Right to Education

Education is a basic right important for the human race. The Right to Education is very crucial, as education improves chances of an individual succeeding in life by preparing the individual for tackling unpredictable barriers of life. In a global level, education should be legally guaranteed to all without any discrimination. All states have the obligation to fulfill, protect and respect the right to education. To develop a better world, education should be free. Elementary and fundamental stages of education play an important part in the development of a person and in strengthening his/her fundamental freedom. Developed by UNESCO, the main aim of Right to Education, especially in a global level, is to ensure that children around the world get unconstrained access to education. Education is one of the most powerful tools that help in lifting excluded students in the society from the problems they face, and in ensuring the development of a well rounded human.  Pr...

Quality Homework

Quality Homework shapes a student’s learning behavior. For students, especially for the ones who are a bit on the back foot, home works are a great way to help them achieve long term success. Meaningful homework is authentic and helps the student solve problems with ease. More specifically, homework tasks make efficient use of a student’s time and induce a clear purpose to what the student is learning. Doing home works are important as it can improve a student’s thinking and memory. It helps in developing a positive study habit, the skill that will benefit in the future. With the help of home works, students excel in being responsible, dealing with time management and being independent on whatever they do. High quality homework makes studying easier. With the help of teachers, a strategy on how to do homework, will guide a student to accomplish quality homework. The main intention of quality homework is to help struggling students achieve a particular goal, increase self efficiency...
I  -  Learning,  also known as Independent  Learning  is a type of learning in which a student pursues and performs his/her studies own his/her own, without the help of parents, teachers or friends. This type of  learning  holds great benefits for students as they become creative and develop intellectual thoughts. The main aim of Independent  Learning  is to strengthen each student’s mind by letting them work out and study without anyone helping them. This makes the student understand his/her own strengths and weaknesses. Students, who are able to work on their own, with minimal direction from teachers, gain confidence. This is how one practices independent  learning , without the help of another person or with minimal guidance from anyone. This helps in managing one's way of  learning . Independent  learning  is one of the best ways for a student to  learn,  as it helps him/her respond to different kinds o...
E-Learning E-Learning aka Extensive learning is the type of learning that involves nothing more than reading texts or books to develop general reading skills. E-Learning is practiced by a student who freely endeavors into the world of books on his/her own without any specific aim or intent; unlike in Intensive Learning which focuses on a particular aim. In Extensive Learning, the teacher expects students to read or listen without any specific task or assignments being set.  The main intention and characteristic of E-Learning is, it helps learners to build reading speed and fluency. By developing reading speed, it helps students to understand the language better and faster, which makes it easier for them at school. It establishes the fact that reading is the most interesting part of studying and one should consider reading as a pleasure.  With the help of Extensive Learning students can improve their writing competence, vocabulary, self esteem and aural skills. This help...
Born in the April 1452, Leonardo da Vinci is one the most famous names in history. Although he was a man of many talents, it was his two impeccable paintings 'Mona Lisa' and 'The Last Supper' that made his fame eternal. His area of interest was not just limited to painting, he was a maestro in sculpting, architecture, writing etc. Da Vinci was also known as the 'Universal Genius' for his inventive imagination.  The Da Vinci Glider was one of his best inventions. To understand flying, he used to buy birds from local markets and study their shape, motion and wing structure. Flying the glider was Da Vinci's biggest dr eam. He was adamant to develop a man powered flying machine. He drew many sketches in the shape of the Glider with a human controlling it. In the Glider, the flyer's position is balanced through the movements of the lower part of the human body. Through his imagination and sketches he also proved that the wings of the glider can actually ...

C-Learning is a highly effective method

C-Learning aka Collaborative Learning, is an educational approach to teaching and learning, in which a group of students work together as a group to complete tasks or to solve a certain given problem. C-Learning helps in building a deeper understanding between students themselves, unlike in individual learning. In this learning method, a student is able to cash on or capitalize on another student’s resource or skills as they come together as a group. It holds benefits like student-teacher interaction and helps higher level of thinking and leadership skills. C-Learning can also be done with the help of devices which bring everyone together, as this is the age of technology.   The main characteristics of Collaborative Learning are small group learning and individual responsibility and accountability. This type of learning is mostly and largely used in schools which help children to grow and have a better understanding with each other. Larger tasks helps them more as they c...
From the beginning of time or since our schooling, we have been taught that the planets rotate around the sun and we have all instilled that particular image in our minds, which is known as the heliocentric model of the solar system. But, have we ever thought if this process could work in any other way? Nothing exists in isolation in our universe as there are a lot of moving parts. The solar system could move in many ways and not just rotational. It could move through the galaxy and make a vortex shape by pulling the planets behind it. Gravity determines the motion of everything including us, as we move along with the universe. All of this is governed by one simple law, which is General Relativity. According to the great scientist Albert Einstein, the theory of General Relativity determines that “the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers and the speed of light within a vacuum is the same, no matter the speed at which the observer travels”. Even If we per...