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From the beginning of time or since our schooling, we have been taught that the planets rotate around the sun and we have all instilled that particular image in our minds, which is known as the heliocentric model of the solar system. But, have we ever thought if this process could work in any other way? Nothing exists in isolation in our universe as there are a lot of moving parts. The solar system could move in many ways and not just rotational. It could move through the galaxy and make a vortex shape by pulling the planets behind it. Gravity determines the motion of everything including us, as we move along with the universe. All of this is governed by one simple law, which is General Relativity.
According to the great scientist Albert Einstein, the theory of General Relativity determines that “the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers and the speed of light within a vacuum is the same, no matter the speed at which the observer travels”.
Even If we perceive ourselves as stationary, the planets both rotate on their axis and revolve around the sun.  All planets orbit in the plane of the solar system, but they change the direction of motion continuously and after 365 days, planet Earth come back to its starting point. The sun itself isn’t stationary and our Milky Way Galaxy which is always in motion is also massive. We know that the solar system isn’t exactly vortex, but it is the cosmic motions which make us feel that way and want to state that the solar system isn’t the exact image we all have in our minds which is Heliocentric. A lot of motions and reactions take place in the Galaxy and rotational motion and vortex motions are entirely different. The solar System is part of life and life is not only rotational, but also vortex.
#vortextheory #solarsystem #fly2school #universe #lovetolearn #theories #readandlearn 


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