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Right to Education

Education is a basic right important for the human race. The Right to Education is very crucial, as education improves chances of an individual succeeding in life by preparing the individual for tackling unpredictable barriers of life. In a global level, education should be legally guaranteed to all without any discrimination. All states have the obligation to fulfill, protect and respect the right to education.

To develop a better world, education should be free. Elementary and fundamental stages of education play an important part in the development of a person and in strengthening his/her fundamental freedom.

Developed by UNESCO, the main aim of Right to Education, especially in a global level, is to ensure that children around the world get unconstrained access to education. Education is one of the most powerful tools that help in lifting excluded students in the society from the problems they face, and in ensuring the development of a well rounded human. 

Primary education is free and compulsory universally. It helps in gaining equal quality of education through minimum standards. The right to education therefore makes sure that each individual is empowered to fulfill their potential in a large manner. 


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