Born in the April 1452, Leonardo da Vinci is one the most famous names in history. Although he was a man of many talents, it was his two impeccable paintings 'Mona Lisa' and 'The Last Supper' that made his fame eternal. His area of interest was not just limited to painting, he was a maestro in sculpting, architecture, writing etc. Da Vinci was also known as the 'Universal Genius' for his inventive imagination.
The Da Vinci Glider was one of his best inventions. To understand flying, he used to buy birds from local markets and study their shape, motion and wing structure. Flying the glider was Da Vinci's biggest dream. He was adamant to develop a man powered flying machine. He drew many sketches in the shape of the Glider with a human controlling it. In the Glider, the flyer's position is balanced through the movements of the lower part of the human body. Through his imagination and sketches he also proved that the wings of the glider can actually be moved by the flyer with the help of a controlled cable attached to the handles. He came to a solution that, the inner part of the birds wings move slower than the outside and thus sustain themselves to produce the forward thrust. In one of his glider structures, the wings were directly attached to the human body to make it easier to fly. He invented multiple mechanical devices including the parachute which makes him one of the important names in Aviation.
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