Quality Homework shapes a student’s learning behavior. For students, especially for the ones who are a bit on the back foot, home works are a great way to help them achieve long term success. Meaningful homework is authentic and helps the student solve problems with ease. More specifically, homework tasks make efficient use of a student’s time and induce a clear purpose to what the student is learning.
Doing home works are important as it can improve a student’s thinking and memory. It helps in developing a positive study habit, the skill that will benefit in the future. With the help of home works, students excel in being responsible, dealing with time management and being independent on whatever they do. High quality homework makes studying easier. With the help of teachers, a strategy on how to do homework, will guide a student to accomplish quality homework. The main intention of quality homework is to help struggling students achieve a particular goal, increase self efficiency and instill a desire for mastery. The end result is that the student starts showing larger interest and put in efforts for doing better academically and personally.
When assignments of high quality are given, it helps the student understand better and do well in school. According to studies, homework improves achievements of students and also the likelihood to attend college. With the help of homework, parents can involve in their child's learning. Thus, quality homework given by schools will always be a good learning and helping curve for students. 

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