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What is the true reason of Gravity?

What is the true reason of Gravity?

An average person probably doesn’t think about Gravity on a daily basis, but yet gravity affects our every move. Because of gravity, we fall down, objects crash to the floor, and we don’t go flying off into space when we jump in the air. The old adage, “everything that goes up must come down” makes perfect sense to everyone because from the day we are born, we are seemingly bound to Earth’s surface due to this all-pervasive invisible force. The closer the objects are to each other, the stronger their gravitational pull is. Earth's gravity comes from all its mass. All its mass makes a combined gravitational pull on all the mass in your body. That's what gives you weight.

Einstein's general theory of relativity explains gravity as a distortion of space or more precisely, space time, which is caused by the presence of matter or energy. A massive object generates a gravitational field by warping the geometry of the surrounding space time. We know that gravity can work in a complex system with several objects. For example, in our own Solar System, not only does the Sun exert gravity on all the planets, keeping them in their orbits, but each planet exerts a force of gravity on the Sun, as well as all the other planets, too, all to varying degrees based on the mass and distance between the bodies. And it goes beyond just our Solar System, as actually, every object that has mass in the Universe attracts every other object that has mass again, all vary based on mass and distance.

In String theory, it states that particles called “Gravitons”, causes objects to be attracted to one another similar to the role played by virtual photons. Einstein's general theory of relativity describes the fundamental interaction of gravitation as a result of space time can be curved by mass and energy.


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