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Showing posts from October, 2019


Analemma Analemma is a diagram which shows the position of the Sun in the Sky. It is seen at a fixed location on the Earth and the solar. The position of the Analemma varies over the course of a year. The word Analemma, comes from Greek and means, the pedestal of a sundial The reason the Analemma is in the shape of an 8 is because the Sun has different shapes on each of the 8 planets. It is because of the position of the Sun in the sky depends not only on the shape of the planets but also the angle of the planets rotational axis.

Weight at Equator is less

Weight at Equator is less The reason we weigh less on the equator than the North or South Pole is because the force of gravity and other forces change as you approach the poles. The Equator is not a weight loss program, the force changes back when you return to your original latitude. The forces that make us feel that way are, The Moon's Gravity, Earth's Gravity and the Sun's Gravity. The Earth has a bulge at the Equator which is created by the Planets rotation. This is known an Centrifugal Force. All this a Newtons law of motion which is felt.

Zone of Silence

Zone of Silence The Zone of Silence is located in the desert of Chihuahua, Durango, and Coahuila in Northern Mexico. The reason it is called the Zone of Silence, is because it is a region surrounding a source of sound, and due to the interference or refraction the sound is inaudible though it can be heard in more distant regions. The Zone of Silence measures only 50km across. It is mostly uninhabited expanse of almost 400,000 hectares, in which the flat and desolate terrain is interspersed with lonely mountain outcrops. There is a road sign that points the way to this desert known as the Zone of Silence, which is in the Northern Mexican region. It, the Zone of Silence (or Zona del Silencio) is also known as The Other Bermuda Triangle.

Paradigm Shifts

In science discoveries that are very different from the existing view that it makes a major shift in the models of the universe, are made in regular intervals. These discoveries include Galileo Galilee's observation of Jupiter's moons, Isaac Newton's work on the implication of gravitational force and Albert Einstein's theory that time was not an absolute quantity. These men of science were responsible in bringing dominant paradigm shifts.