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Showing posts from September, 2019

Difference between online education and traditional education

Difference between online education and traditional education Online education and Traditional education are two different forms of study and educational methods. The difference between these two forms of education is that, in online education students consider factors such as technology, new learning methods and in traditional learning, which is mainly done in classrooms the old school way through reading and writing. Both Online and Traditional education are neck to neck even today, but most students prefer online learning compared to traditional because it is flexible and also can pursue jobs instead of going to schools. Online education is available in most of the countries, and students can learn via the internet. However though, the traditional method of education can never be replaced as it is and will be the most valuable forms of learning for everyone. Students state that online education offers more to them and it is just as good as classroom learning. In tradition

Should Typing be given more importance than Writing?

Should Typing be given more importance than Writing? Typing and Writing, both have its advantages in its own unique ways. In writing, you develop a strong bond with matter being written and also writing results in a better understanding of the particular matter. Typing is quicker than writing, and it holds many benefits like convenience and editable nature; but writing improves ones memory and encourages critical thinking, which can put to use especially during time of school tests. The only disadvantage of writing is that it is slower when compared to typing. Writing should be given more importance than typing, especially in schools, because it is through writing students learn and understand their subjects better. Writing improves spelling abilities, brain development and effective learning. Hence, both writing and typing have their own qualities, but writing holds an upper hand. Like the saying, "A pen is mightier than a sword" depicts, writing helps students more

Importance of foreign language in schools

Importance of foreign language in schools We learn different subjects at school and language is one among them. The benefits of learning and knowing more than one language is that, memory power increases, critical thinking skills, ability to multi-task, better listening skills and higher concentration. Learning a foreign language is always a benefit to students. It helps them in interacting with other language speaking students. It helps students in building a better relationship with people from different origins. Learning an extra language will definitely help students, as they are bound to benefit from it at some point of their life. The advantage of studying an extra language is that it will help students gain more employment opportunities. Hence, learning and teaching of languages should be taken very importantly and in a very positive way .

Laptop in School

Laptop  in School Laptops  are a part the novel technology that is evolving & integrating into our lives at a great pace. There is no child of this generation who does not know how to use one.  Laptops  have now become popular in schools as it can be used in note taking, doing projects, research and group study. The most important benefit of using  laptops  in schools and classrooms is that, it fuels each student’s hunger for knowledge as it makes information readily available.  Technology plays a vital role in today's world, and teaching students how to use  latest technology will  prepare for the future. Classes conducted with the help of  laptops  can help education be more specific. With the help of  laptops  and the internet, students can interact, learn from each other and get a bigger exposure. Laptops  help the educational system grow as there are many Educational Support Softwares available today, which can be put to use to assist students at school. 

How Electric Current is formed?

How Electric Current is formed? Have you ever wondered how Electric Current is formed? Generally, the flow from one point to another through a medium is called a current. When an electric charge moves from one point to another inside a conductor or a semiconductor, it is actually conducting electric current. Electric charge carriers are micro particles that conduct the electricity. They can be protons, electrons, holes or ions depending on their availability in the conducting material.  Normally electrons and holes are responsible for conducting electricity. This process occurs when a Voltage or a Potential Difference is applied at the two ends of a conductor or a semiconductor. Thus Electric Current is formed when a Voltage of Potential Difference is applied at the two ends of a conductor or semiconductor, i.e. when a closed circuit is formed. 

How are Rainbows formed?

Rainbows are one of the most beautiful and outstanding workpiece of mother nature. Haven't we ever wondered how these rainbows are formed? Rainbows occur as a natural happening after a strong rain shower in the sky and is formed through raindrops, by the reflection and refraction of the Suns rays. It is mainly caused by the tiny droplets of water in the sunlight which is present in the atmosphere.  Rainbow gets this colour with the help of the suns rays, and the rain drops that passes through sunlight, acts as tiny prisms and thus the different colours are formed in rainbows. A rainbow is always formed in the opposite direction. This a physics which is taking place and rainbows are optical illusions, it is not located at a specific location as we think it is. For a person to observe a rainbow, the sun should be be behind the observer and and there should be either rain drops or fog in front of the viewer to see the rainbow.  The shape of a rainbow is semi circle as it on