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Showing posts from June, 2019
     Important Names in Aeronautics: Sir George Cayley Born on 27 th  December 1773, Sir George Cayley was an English aviator, engineer and inventor considered to be the pioneer exploring aviation. One of the most important names in the history of aeronautics, he was the first true scientific aerial investigator was understood the underlying principles and forces of flight. Cayley proposed the concept of the modern day aircraft in 1799, as a flying machine with fixed wings and separate systems for lift, propulsion and control. Referred to as “the father of aviation”, he identified the four forces acting on any “heavier than air flying object” as thrust, lift, drag and weight. He constructed the first flying model aircraft and designed the first glider reported to carry human. He rightly predicted that sustained flight would be impossible unless a lightweight engine was developed. Cayley’s emphasis on lightness pushed him to discover a novel method to construct light
      Any idea what happens to flame in micro Gravity? We all have seen a candle burn bright. But have we ever put to thought why the flame burns in that particular way? The answer is something we all have felt since our birth. It is what keeps us glued to this earth. It has it's effect on anything and everything on this earth, from a tiny fish in the deepest part of ocean to the aircraft flying above us. Yes, its Earth's Gravity. Gravity has a hidden role in the composition and formation of a flame. First let us look into how a flame burns. The flame heats the air around it and makes it less dense, the gravity pulls down the comparatively cooler and oxygen-rich air thereby pushing the hot air upwards. This process makes the flame shoot up. In space, combustion is impossible as no oxygen is present. Inside a spacecraft, the air mixture is same as that on earth, but the gravity is millions of times weaker. In micro-gravity, the upward lift is not present and oxygen is
Artificial Intelligence and Education Educational programs leveraged by AI is already assisting students to learn essential aptitude. As these programs extend and as developers pursue more, they will likely offer students a much extensive span of services. While eminent reformation may still be a few decades in the future, the fact is that artificial intelligence has the capability of radically remodeling just about everything we take for granted about education. Artificial intelligence could render students a way to apprise and learn in a reasonably judgment-free world, especially when AI tutors can offer solutions for advancement. Using AI systems, software and support, students can gain an understanding from anywhere in the world at any time, and with these kinds of programs taking the place of certain types of classroom instruction, AI may just replace teachers in some point of time (for better or worse). The result? Education could take a huge leap a few decades from
Digital education in the Developing World Every major development in technology sparks a dream in developing countries with regard to its potential impact on education. Internet has contributed relevantly to furthering education in the world. Connected electronic devices enhance the educational horizon of students, even for those who face poverty and geographical segregation. Governments, NGO’s and CSR’s formulate ideas about the potential influence of computers on childhood  education; and they help in providing low-cost internet connected devices to disadvantaged students around the world. Educational Institutions in developing and backward counties are usually underfunded and unsatisfactorily staffed, principally in poorer and rural areas. Lower cost Internet access devices such as tablets, phablets, and smart phones address the issue of device affordability to a significant extent. Schools can now offer teachers and students access to learning tools and educational content
Learning can be defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills, through study or experience. Creative learning can be explained as a process that uses self created theories, tests, solutions, analysis and designs to acquire knowledge. Learning creatively, will help students develop a connection with the concept and thereby makes it easier to conceive and remember, rather than simply memorize the information. Creative learning is a method of study used differently by each individual. It helps a student become a learner, as it fuels logical thinking. On encountering a problem while learning a concept, getting a thorough understanding of the problem through observations, is the best place to start solving it. Breaking down the concept into small parts helps understand it deeply. Another important way to learn a concept creatively is incorporating it with games. This method will be more effective on children, as children find games very attractive. Learning a concept through game
In many countries, getting good grades is no big deal, as children have been fine tuned to doing so. They seldom learn basic skills. Learning by truly understanding the concept is essential as it helps lay a strong foundation. This helps the student grasp higher level theories with ease, in the future. Any concept conceived correctly can be customized depending on the need of the hour. This can only be done if the student has a strong base and a deep understanding of the conc ept. The transformation in technology has reformed education and workplace. The caliber of today's students will determine tomorrow's quality. Thus, raising the efficiency of today's students is of great importance. Strengthening their knowledge by making the most of technology advancements will be a big leap for mankind. # fly2school   # education   # learn   # classroom   # technology # visualknowledge   # aircraft   # visuallearning   # appliedphysics # aviation   # lovetolearn
What’s next in Education? A decade ago, the word education was only associated with classrooms. But the advancements in technology triggered the rise of a new era. Education no longer is tied down inside the four walls of a classroom. Innovations in technology have created a wormhole linking knowledge with the seeker. A visual interpretation of the subject will find its way to the mind of everyone from the attentive student to the uninterested one. Virtual storage provides th e possibility of information being available round the globe. Motivated and curious teachers across the world have started passionately incorporating technology leaps into studies. Even the future learners are anticipated to be only interested in gathering knowledge rather than just acquiring a degree. Cognizance is the only thing that matters, and that is where education should head to. Merging technology with learning has simultaneously opened the doors of imagination and made classrooms